Thursday, July 12, 2012

Days 18 & 19

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tonight's exercises
Warm up:
200 meter run
10 walking lunges
10 squats
5 push ups
10 squats
5 push ups
400 meter run

Work out:
3 rope climbs
40 box jumps
21 ring dips
30 box jumps
15 Ring dips
20 box jump
9 ring dips
3 rope climbs

Thursday, June 12, 2012 

OMGosh...I am beat! Tonight's work out was a freaking killer, even though it doesn't sound hard! Now I'm posting this, updating my trackers, and I think I'm gonna lay in bed and watch t.v. because BIG BROTHER COMES ON TONIGHT!!! :D

Warm up (Completed twice):
200 meter run
30 meter bear crawl
25 jumping jacks

Work out:
20 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible):
15 Box Jumps,
20 Sit Ups

I did a total of 120 sit ups and 105 box jumps (6.5 reps)

Camping trip

We got back from our camping trip, and we had a great time! Unfortunately all of my resolutions to eat descent went out the window for the most part. I ate too many breads, grains, and drank WAY too much Soda. I felt it for a couple of days too! I'm just now starting to feel better! On the bright side, the kids and I participated in a TON of water sports. It was a lot of fun, and next time I will plan better and remember how crappy I felt for nearly a week afterwards!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

CrossFit Day 17!

Today's workout before we hit the road.

Warm up:
400 meter run
30 kettle bell squats (10 lb.)
20 wall balls (20 lb.)
10 sit ups

jump rope for 15 minutes - 2 minutes on, 1 minute off
5 rope climbs (working on my 31 Heroes improvements)
10 minutes stretching techniques

Have a great weekend everyone! We are heading out camping and going to enjoy lots of water sports with the boat!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Crossfit days 14-16

It's been awhile since I've posted here on my blog. I'm still sticking with my new lifestyle changes, so here is an update for the days I forgot to blog:

Crossfit Day 14! (June 26, 2012)

Tonight's exercises
Warm up:
400 meter run
20 Good Mornings
20 Air Squats
20 sit ups

Work out:
600 meter run (I could only run the first 200) then...
Timed 3 rounds of:
7 push jerk lifts (35# bar)
15 walking lunges
15 wall-balls (10# ball)
My time 7:37

Crossfit Day 15! (June 28, 2012)

Today's exercises
Warm up:
400 meter row
30 air squats
30 push ups
30 sit ups

2000 meter row in 17:41

Crossfit Day 16! (July 3, 2012)

Tonight's exercises
Warm up:
21 air squats, 21 push ups
15 air squats, 15 push ups
9 air squats, 9 push ups
24 sit ups

Work out: (Timed 6:51, but I honestly think I did the 6 rep twice...I tend to lose count lol)
10 Dead-lifts (55 lbs total weight on lift each time)
10 sit ups
8 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups
6 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups
4 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups
2 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups