Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Still doing CrossFit

I'm still doing CrossFit and LOVING IT, but I haven't been posting here because I see there are no page views and figure, what's the point? I already share my work out information on both of my Facebook accounts and enter them into so it seems kinda pointless to post on here also when I can see there are no page views coming in. If you would like to follow me on Facebook or MFP, feel free to comment here and I'll make sure to add you. :0)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Days 18 & 19

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tonight's exercises
Warm up:
200 meter run
10 walking lunges
10 squats
5 push ups
10 squats
5 push ups
400 meter run

Work out:
3 rope climbs
40 box jumps
21 ring dips
30 box jumps
15 Ring dips
20 box jump
9 ring dips
3 rope climbs

Thursday, June 12, 2012 

OMGosh...I am beat! Tonight's work out was a freaking killer, even though it doesn't sound hard! Now I'm posting this, updating my trackers, and I think I'm gonna lay in bed and watch t.v. because BIG BROTHER COMES ON TONIGHT!!! :D

Warm up (Completed twice):
200 meter run
30 meter bear crawl
25 jumping jacks

Work out:
20 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible):
15 Box Jumps,
20 Sit Ups

I did a total of 120 sit ups and 105 box jumps (6.5 reps)

Camping trip

We got back from our camping trip, and we had a great time! Unfortunately all of my resolutions to eat descent went out the window for the most part. I ate too many breads, grains, and drank WAY too much Soda. I felt it for a couple of days too! I'm just now starting to feel better! On the bright side, the kids and I participated in a TON of water sports. It was a lot of fun, and next time I will plan better and remember how crappy I felt for nearly a week afterwards!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

CrossFit Day 17!

Today's workout before we hit the road.

Warm up:
400 meter run
30 kettle bell squats (10 lb.)
20 wall balls (20 lb.)
10 sit ups

jump rope for 15 minutes - 2 minutes on, 1 minute off
5 rope climbs (working on my 31 Heroes improvements)
10 minutes stretching techniques

Have a great weekend everyone! We are heading out camping and going to enjoy lots of water sports with the boat!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Crossfit days 14-16

It's been awhile since I've posted here on my blog. I'm still sticking with my new lifestyle changes, so here is an update for the days I forgot to blog:

Crossfit Day 14! (June 26, 2012)

Tonight's exercises
Warm up:
400 meter run
20 Good Mornings
20 Air Squats
20 sit ups

Work out:
600 meter run (I could only run the first 200) then...
Timed 3 rounds of:
7 push jerk lifts (35# bar)
15 walking lunges
15 wall-balls (10# ball)
My time 7:37

Crossfit Day 15! (June 28, 2012)

Today's exercises
Warm up:
400 meter row
30 air squats
30 push ups
30 sit ups

2000 meter row in 17:41

Crossfit Day 16! (July 3, 2012)

Tonight's exercises
Warm up:
21 air squats, 21 push ups
15 air squats, 15 push ups
9 air squats, 9 push ups
24 sit ups

Work out: (Timed 6:51, but I honestly think I did the 6 rep twice...I tend to lose count lol)
10 Dead-lifts (55 lbs total weight on lift each time)
10 sit ups
8 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups
6 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups
4 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups
2 Dead-lifts, 10 sit ups

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekend update

Things are going really well. Dipping my feet into the Paleo world has gone pretty smoothly, so far. :0) I've cut out breads/rice/grains/legumes out of my diet at about 80/20 ratio. I give myself one "cheat day" each week because I know myself and if I completely cut them out I will just end up binge eating. I say dipping my feet into the Paleo world because I have not strictly Paleo yet. I still eat sugars, dairy, cheeses, etc. just trying to slowly cut down on those. I know some will only succeed if they completely jump into the cold, I need more of a "OMG THAT SHIT'S COLD" method ;0) 

But in all seriousness - switching into a more Paleo lifestyle has been much easier than I anticipated it would be! I thought I'd have serious cravings for the bread/rice especially. We would often have each or both at dinner every night. I thought I'd be craving Subway or sandwiches just because I couldn't have them, but it hasn't been like that at all. This could be because my mind and body are on the same page regarding getting my butt back into gear, OR it could just be that I've PLANNED this trip each and every day. If you plan, you are less likely to fail. Every Saturday I sit down and plan the menu for the following week. Every Sunday I go grocery shopping to get the items I need. Every night before I go to bed I set out any meat that needs to be set out. Every morning when I wake up I make sure everything I need is together.

The days I've forgotten to set out meat or forgotten to put something in the crock pot that was on the menu, we've ended up having to grab something for dinner. On these days, I DO NOT ALLOW the circumstances to convince me that I should just grab whatever. I research the menu's of nearby restaurants, and often times this means I fall back on my "I will allow myself a salad from Bojangles, even though I know the chicken is breaded" theory I first talked about. I know that the next step of cutting out sugar's is going to be a challenge, but I'm hoping the training I'm doing will just be more motivation to eat and drink 100% healthy and the cravings aren't too bad. Time will tell!

Speaking of my exercise routine - we are still doing CrossFit twice a week. I'm seriously contemplating upping it to 4 times a week, but in the meantime 4 of the other days we are going to the park and doing a walk/jog/run/walk backwards routine of at least a mile each time. The rest of my family is not interested in upping their days, and frankly, I don't know if I could afford to up the entire family's membership. They all agree that it would be good if I did it though, so now it's just a matter of working out details, checking price, and seeing if it will physically work for me. Sometimes having one day in between the two days we go my body is still hurting, yet once I start working out again it feels better. So maybe this is just me being afraid to step in a little deeper? I'm not sure. Time to do some soul searching, I suppose.

In other news of my life - I found out today that I made the Presidents List at my college for maintaining a 4.0 last semester. I knew that I had the 4.0, but nothing was ever sent to me like friends at other colleges received so I just figured "oh well", at least I still have the 4.0 for last semester LOL This is a very proud accomplishment for me because I run my own business, attend school full time, and I'm a wife and mother full time as well, so I'm taking the time to state everywhere possible that I've made this list :0)

Here's to another amazing week! Oh, and for those wondering - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY NEW SHOES!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crossfit Day 13!

Tonight's exercise:

Warm up:
800 meter run
6 Burpees
12 Lunges
6 Burpees
12 side lunges
6 Burpees
12 high kicks

Tabata exercises tonight. Tabata focuses on doing quick, powerful exercises. You don't count the reps you're doing, you just go full speed as fast as you can and don't stop. You exercise for 30 seconds and take a 10 second break. We did 8 minutes of sit ups and 8 minutes of air squats.

400 meter run
Mobility exercises (essentially stretches/cool down)