Thursday, May 24, 2012

Crossfit Day 4!

I'm exhausted! School (summer semester at college) started up again last night, I worked all day, went and exercised, now I'm working on school work but taking a quick break to post so I don't forget what workouts we did.

Warm up:

500 meter row (super easy, but it was our first time rowing so he just wanted to give us a feel)
40 Lunges (I could not do the last 20)
30 Air Squats

Work out:

50 Kettle bell Squats
50 sit up/crunches (I started with 20 crunches but couldn't do them very effectively so moved to sit ups)
50 push ups
600 meter run (jog/walk for me)

This is what you look like when you do Crossfit in 90 degree's. It's not pretty, but it's worth it. No, the mouth is not posed, it's literally open like a fish, thirsty for water. Time to shower and find mental strength to make dinner and then do school work.

As Dr. Seuss says, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right!" - I CAN

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