Sunday, May 13, 2012

What makes me think I will succeed at Crossfit?

Some people may be wondering what makes me think I'm going to succeed at Crossfit. I mean I'm considered morbidly obese and have battled weight all of my adult life.

I'll tell you; COMMITMENT! The fact that Crossfit is about challenging YOURSELF while using functional moves, means that it is left up to me to succeed or fail. And as some of you may know, I don't handle failure well in the rest of the areas of my life - I fight to succeed - and I refuse to allow my health sit ideally by when it's ONE thing I can control in this life. 

In the past I've tried many things and of everything I tried, I enjoyed things that pushed me and challenged me the most. Sure, Sweatin' to the Oldies and Zumba was fun, and YES they were challenging for me! But, I really did enjoy my time with martial arts, Tae Bo, and Body for Life more. I think it was because I pushed myself outside of my boundaries with people who challenged and pushed me that made me enjoy them more than other things I've tried. 

I've proven to myself things I can't control on my own because I don't have someone there challenging me and pushing me to do more because they trust me more than I do. From what I've read and see of the CF lifestyle, the community is something that will help me thrive. 

I'm very excited at seeing the transformation of my body. Do I ever expect to have a perfect body? No, but then again I feel there is no definition of perfect. Perfect for one person is not perfect to another. My goals are pretty open ended because I hope once I reach one, there is another I want to strive for. My first goal, lose FAT. This is a long term goal because this weight didn't come on overnight. I've always said, I didn't care what number the scale said, as long as it was muscle and not fat.

A few other goals I am aiming for:

No fast food! This is something my family desperately need to get rid of, COMPLETELY!

No Soda/sweet tea! I'm a southern gal, sweet tea is my crutch. When I have a bad day, I turn to Pepsi or chocolate. 

START EXERCISING REGULARLY! My goal to start with is to attend our CF gym twice a week. I know this may not seem like much, but let me tell ya, after so long of not exercising and now doing CF, these two days are going to literally kick my ass. Sadistically, I'm looking forward to it. 

So, in a nutshell - I just want to be healthier and I'm going to start with making what may seem like small changes to some of you, yet for anyone who has been in my shoes, you know this is going to be a real challenge.

Until next time...I know I'm not afraid for this challenge. I'm embracing it.

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